12-Step programming is, without a doubt, one of the most reputable services known throughout the recovery community.
This method of support has been able to help countless amounts of individuals throughout the world to defeat their struggles with substance abuse once and for all. Founded on simple, basic ideals, the 12-Step method is rooted deeply in the focus on one’s community. Attempting recovery on one’s own can be extremely challenging; however, research has shown that participating in 12-Step meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) has helped recovering addicts and alcoholics obtain the support they need to maintain a sober lifestyle for good.
Local Resources
It is extremely common for those who finish a treatment program, such as one provided through either inpatient or outpatient treatment, to depart their program with an aftercare plan put in place. In most instances, part of this aftercare plan includes participation in 12-Step meetings.
Through 12-Step meetings such as AA or NA, individuals are brought together to share their personal testimonies as they relate to substance abuse and recovery, as well as listen to the stories of others in an effort to obtain personal growth. Through these meetings, coping skills can be developed and the sense of isolation that can wash over someone who is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol can quickly deteriorate as a community presence moves in.
Those who are living in the New Baltimore area have several different options for 12-Step meetings such as AA and NA. While each meeting is different in its makeup, it is imperative to know that support is available. To find a meeting that works for you, your schedule, and your recovery, visit the following links:
For Loved Ones
Watching a loved one grapple with substance abuse can be extremely distressing and overwhelming. Regardless of whether he or she is reaching out for help, it is critical that an individual does everything within his or her power to maintain good self-care at this time and always. A significant resource for those who have loved ones in recovery or who are currently using, 12-Step programs such as Al-Anon and Ala-teen are effective in offering support and direction. Here, individuals can learn how to continue to live a healthy life in the face of a loved one’s addiction, as well as develop the skills needed to continue to recover alongside of a loved one.
Making the Most of Meetings
Those looking to participate in recovery can locate meetings that will fit their individual needs, which will be helpful in making the moves needed to become an active member of this community and, in turn, receive the support that is needed. In addition, meeting such as these can help connect recovering addicts and alcoholics to sponsors who will work to guide them along the path of recovery.
Those living in New Baltimore, MI, as well as those throughout the world, can find comfort and peace through 12-Step meetings.